The Centre for Disability and Inclusion Africa has officially launched the #WheelchairNotLuggage campaign to tackle human rights violations faced by individuals with mobility challenges in Nigeria.
The campaign aims to raise awareness about the discrimination and mistreatment endured by mobility-challenged individuals, particularly from public bus and car drivers. For years, these individuals have faced denial of service, inhumane treatment, and additional charges for transporting their wheelchairs.
Speaking at the launch in Lagos, Mr. Yinka Olaito, the Executive Director of the Centre, highlighted the urgency of addressing these injustices. He noted that public transport operators, including bus and car services as well as airlines, often treat wheelchair users poorly, stemming from ignorance or malicious intent.
“A wheelchair is a personal mobility aid, not luggage,” Mr. Olaito stressed. He referenced the 2018 Discrimination Against Persons with Disabilities Law, which explicitly prohibits such abuses and makes them punishable by law.
Mr. Olaito called on the leadership of transport associations across Nigeria to ensure their members respect the rights of persons with disabilities. He also urged stakeholders in the disability inclusion sector to unite against the systemic injustice faced by wheelchair users.
“There can be no equity when any segment of society is continuously mistreated,” he stated.
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