Home Deaf NewsDeaf cluster DISABLED OR DIFFERENTLY ABLED? By Chidi Olujie


by Sejoro Ekundayo
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When I checked for the meaning of “Disabled” in the dictionary, it is defined as 1. Physically or mentally impaired, injured or incapacitated, 2. Physically or mentally impaired persons. Please who are they referring to? People in wheelchairs? Blind people? Or Deaf people? It sounds abnormal and irritating after checking for the meaning of “disabled”

I recall when I was a student in the University of Ibadan, in one of my classes, my lecturer named John lectured that the world keeps changing words for better. For instance, someone with a low IQ was diagnosed with Idiot, moron, etc in the past, it was later they changed it to mentally retarded and as time goes on, its now called intellectual disability, the world is trying to change the word that’s suitable and acceptable for all. Now it is so strange when we keep using the word “disability or disabled” referring to us the Deaf for many years to come, I have seen so many people trying to change the word for better so today I have to come out to disclaim the word “Disability or Disabled”, the best word to use is “differently abled”..

If you agree with me, please comment.. We all are differently abled!


About the Author
Chidi Olujie A.K.A Cheeta Is Deaf and a writer, reader and listener. He started blogging in 2015 but has been thinking about blogging for a long time, he wants​ to use it as a way of passing message across to the world about Deaf generally. Visit his blog at www.meetcheetablog.com.

1 comment

NNAD Call on all JAMB/UTME 2018 Deafs to submit their details April 10, 2018 - 9:09 am

[…] Nigeria National Association of the Deaf (NNAD) through its National Secretary Chidi Olujie have called on all Deaf that took the recent concluded 2018 University Tertiary Matriculation […]


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